OH, there's a new pet at my house( at cyber),hehe. The name is Daud(idea from my fren), and guess what? it's a siamese fighting fish a.k.a ikan laga. hehe, So i did an experiment what will happen if Ali (a cat ) meet Daud. and the result is, Ali started sniffing and placing it's paw on the surface of water in daud container, then the unexpected happen, Ali drinks the water and ignore daud. hahahahaha.

last week, my class went for a study trip to Putrajaya Wetland, It's an intresting trip although it was nothing much there.But there one thing that make me feel a little bit sentimental, jz a bit la...hehehe, when i entered the bus, i remembered my day at ACMS, penang. Where i studied did my foundation before coming here to CUCMS. at ACMS, there will always be a bus pick us up from our house and send us to campus. A lot of sweet memory in the bus. Even just talking to my fren is a sweet memory.this including you. hehe(if i hav ever talk to u la...:)..And the memory of me when the 1st time i traveled on a bus alone for a long journey (from kl to penang) hehehe....

Oh, i mentioned 'the returns of...' up there...It's the return of my lazyness behaviour. I started to rely to my fren again on the answers to my assignments. I cannot let this control me as this semester i must score a high pointer to make sure that my cgpa above 3.5 or i let my parents down. They done a lot for me and spend much amount of money to keep me here. So, the only way i thought to repay them now is to achieve what they expect me to, and to be a mithali son.So wish me luck and doa for my achievement, and sure, i'll pray for u'all as well.
1 comment:
shafiee jollie sahabat favourite ku,
kucing ko sgt comel...aku suka ali!!
daud aku tak suka sbb aku benci ikan!!!
semoga ko dpt 3.5 utk sem ni...wish u luck....
p/s : study jgn asyik tolong buat kerja utk housemate ko yg pemalas tu..dorg tak buat kerja, delete nama dorg dlm assgmt yg ko buat tu... baekk punyerrr~~
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