Pembuka kata

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kepada para Rasul, Para Nabi, Para Sahabat, dan kepada mereka yang berjuang di jalanNya. Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan yang diredhai-Nya.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Huh, I just realised.

Salam.... Huh, what a relief....hehe, this week been the busiest week. So many work given to us. Pre-lab, post-lab, quiz, assignment, lab report, pre-class, tutor ( this one i din do,for physics la.. hehe ) , and computer games...hehe. And like usual, i always be one of the last person to submit my works, hehe.. coz easy for me to "refer" to my frens work.
Haih..... the biggest factor tht I submit my work late is I wastin to much time on things which are not important at all. Things such as comp games, surfing the internet without purpose ( especially on youtube, watching anime) , and much more things that i din even notice myself.
I realised all this on my chemistry lab discussion class. Our lecturer called us group by group to discuss what we did wrong in our lab report which we done in group. She also returned out post lab back and i got 3/10!, huh.... disappointing... She even know tht i "refer " on my fren, She asked me la, but i din asnwer. To make things much worse, she commented our lab report is badly done on the discussion and conclusion part. Which is my part ( also kongsi with other 2 of my fren ). Then, she continue to discuss about the report without even knowing the dicussion that I've done also refer from others. I feel very ashamed without no reason.
When i reached home, before i slept in the afternoon, i think back what I've done. Why am i always the last person to submit my works, i always stayed up late till 2-3 in the morn, but i din do any homework or something usefull tht will bring benefit to myself, just leisure around and waste my time, then at class, fell asleep......
All this make me feel very bad to myself and others... My parent sacrifice a lot of money to send me here to study, not to fooling around. My friend spend their precious time doing homework and i just copy it. And most off all God sent me here to be his servant, to worship HIM, but recently I perform my Solat late till sometimes it almost time for another Solat. Astargfirullah......
Just before i slept on that afternoon, i realized my mistake and that night, I do all my homework till 5 in the mornin and submit it on the next day. And I was one of the earliest to submit the homework on that day and it give me a feeling of excitement, a feeling of satisfaction to myself.

"Membazir itu perbuatan syaitan" dan masa itu amat berharga, jgn sia2 kan ia untuk sesuatu yang tidak berfaedah, dan memudaratkan diri. Buat lah sesuatu yang boleh memperbaiki kelemahan diri, yang bermanfaat. Karena "celakalah bagi orang yang hari sebelumnya sama seperti hari yang akan datang"

Ayat dalam tanda " tu aku tak ingat sangat maksud nya tapi ada disebutkan dalam Quran, (lebihkurangla...) sori kalau salah.tolong betolkan. makasih.
Ini adalah untuk mengingatkan diri ak ngan sahabat lain.
Rather than playing comp games, reading Quran is far more better things to do. I hope i can retain this spirit so i can improve myself and move foward...ameen.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah (: