Pembuka kata

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kepada para Rasul, Para Nabi, Para Sahabat, dan kepada mereka yang berjuang di jalanNya. Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan yang diredhai-Nya.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Salam... hahahah,.. just as i thought, i won't constantly write on this blog frequently just like when i start this blog. The same thing happen to my diary. Last five years ( i guess, hehe) my sis brought me a diary book for a present for my birthday. For the first couple of week, i wrote on it almost every day, then i started to slow down, once a week, then once a month, then once after 2 month. haha. Now, from the time i came to CUCMS (where i'm stu-dying now) , i haven write any word on it. haha. De....lazy ma....hehe. Writing about lazy, i remembered my life when i was a secondary student. Hehe, only people there know how lazy I am , especially my classmate. hehe. Will tell u the story this afternoon. Me, myself dont belief that is me a few years ago.Hohoho. The more the day come to the year end, the more playfull our class be. hehe, the relation of our class naughtyness is proportional to the time passes. Haha.

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