Pembuka kata

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kepada para Rasul, Para Nabi, Para Sahabat, dan kepada mereka yang berjuang di jalanNya. Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan yang diredhai-Nya.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mid Sem.....

Yes, mid sem exam just past!! hehe. Cant wait for the result. Hehe, but i dont expect much of my

result as i dint work hard. hehe, i remember what my fren used to say " God doesn't look on the

result, God look on the hardwork we done" ( more or less like this la, hehe ) . Hehe, u know la

me, din't even do most of the homework myself, always "rujuk" one. Always feel sorry for the

person i "rujuk" their paper, but still doing it. But now, i determined to do homework by

myself and only asked them if i really can't do it, not "rujuk" ( unless there's not much time

left, :) ). Huh, even on and after the exam, class still move on and there still assignment to be

hand in.double the work!!! ( coz study last minute ) hehe. I hope my result is good enough to

help me score 3.5 pointer or above at the end of the sem... coz if at the end of the foundation,

if i din score the pointer and din get the scholarship that MARA offer, i hav to repeat my

foundation or change course... and that will really burden my parent and shamed them.

They were happy as i agreed on taking medicine course and told my aunt's and uncles. hehe.

I remembered i read an interesting quote at a book store at Pavilion.

" The only place where success come before practice is in the dictionary"..... :)

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