Pembuka kata

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kepada para Rasul, Para Nabi, Para Sahabat, dan kepada mereka yang berjuang di jalanNya. Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan yang diredhai-Nya.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh,.....and very good Hi to y'all. Hehe, Hm this is the first time im writting a blog. hehe. Kalau ak tulis bahasa ni, orang kat S'wak cakap ak ni skema lak, tp mun aku tulis bahasa S'wak, cdak semenanjung sik paham. Tingggal la bahasa ingeris, suma orang paham. So, campur la bahasa dalam blog ni. hehe...Kalo tak paham, buat2 la paham sudeyh...hehe. So, this is the introduction of my blog, hehe, short eh? (jgn komen ak skema, 1st time ma.... give me chance la...hehe). I hope from this blog, i can learn something new or might give u learn something new. hehe, remember, "Learn from yesterday" that is learn from our mistake and improve ourself. "Do the best for today" , do thing with our best effort as if there will be no tomorrow for us. "Prepare for tomorrow", know urself la.hehe......

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